php - WordPress - enable or disable custom post typesfrom dashboard
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I'm creating a wordpress plugin. The plugin will register some custom routes in the REST api and some custom post types. Is possible to add a way to let the user enable or disable CPT and eventually create new CPT?
public function create_new_cpt( WP_REST_Request $request )
$args = $request->get_param('newCptDetails');
$cpt = register_post_type(
'label' => $args['label'],
'description' => $args['desc'],
'show_ui' => true,
'show_in_menu' => true,
'show_in_rest' => true
add_option( 'cpt_name', $args['name'] );
add_option( 'cpt_label', $args['label'] );
add_option( 'description', $args['desc'] );
return $cpt;