php - Using external css/js files stored outside the public folder in laravel

one text


Laravels public folder is where your website access files. be it request to API's, CSS, js, html files, images.

It's not a good idea to place your css/js directly into the public folder. Unless you are just doing it for learning purposes or your just doing a fairly simple project.

CSS and JS files that are stored into the public folder should be the compiled and minified versions of it.

You did not clarrified what exactly you are doing. But if that's a fresh laravel install with Vue.js, you should place your css/scss/sass files into /resources/sass folder and js files into /resources/js and let webpack compile it for you. Webpack will be the one to put this compiled versions into the public folder.

Check webpack.mix.js file into your laravel root folder. It should provide you some info on how to compile your assets/css/js files accordingly.
