Use PHP Variable inside PHP string



CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS =>'{"username_or_email": "'.$user_name.'","password": "Freelance12"}'

I dont know why you try to concat the main string with Freelance12; Freelance12 is a string, you can write directly.



I think this would probably be the approach I would recommend. Your POSTFIELDS looks like JSON so I would let PHP do the heavy lifting of turning it into a valid JSON object.

CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS => json_encode([
    'username_or_email' => $user_name, 
    'password' => $pass

All this does is create an associative array and then JSON encode it with the aptly named json_encode() function.

Were you to print the JSON string that is returned from this json_encode() call it would be...

'{"username_or_email": "abc", "password": "12345"}'
