unwrite if statements with switch and case, php gilded rose

one text


im doing the gilded rose refactoring kata for php right now. I have written some unittests and they all work with the standard GildedRose.php code. Now i wanted to refactory the 40 line of if statements to do the code easier to read, but somewhere a mistake has crept in and idk where and how.

my unittest are like (for each item):

public function testAgedBrieAtBeginning(): void          //  +1 quality till sell_in = 0 than +2 quality
    $items = [new Item('Aged Brie', 2, 0)];
    $gildedRose = new GildedRose($items);
    $this->assertEquals($items[0]->sell_in, 1);
    $this->assertEquals($items[0]->quality, 1);

public function testAgedBrieWhenSellInZero(): void
    $items = [new Item('Aged Brie', 0, 2)];
    $gildedRose = new GildedRose($items);
    $this->assertEquals($items[0]->sell_in, -1);
    $this->assertEquals($items[0]->quality, 4);

public function testAgedBrieDontIncreaseMaximum(): void       // stand at 50 quality
    $items = [new Item('Aged Brie', -28, 50)];
    $gildedRose = new GildedRose($items);
    $this->assertEquals($items[0]->sell_in, -29);
    $this->assertEquals($items[0]->quality, 50);

and my GildedRose.php is:



namespace GildedRose;

final class GildedRose
 * @var Item[]
private $items;

public function __construct(array $items)
    $this->items = $items;


public function updateQuality(): void
    switch ($this->items) {
        case 'Normal':
        case 'Aged Brie':
        case 'Sulfaras, Hand of Ragnaros':
        case 'Backstage passes to a TAFKAL80ETC concert':


private function tickNormal(): void  // for Dexterity, Elixir & Conjured

    if($this->quality == 0) {

    if ($this->sell_in <= 0) {
private function tickAgedBrie()
    $this->sell_in -= 1;

    if($this->quality >= 50) {

    $this->quality += 1;
    if ($this->sell_in <= 0) {
        $this->quality += 1;

private function tickSulfuras() : void


private function tickBackstage() : void
    $this->sell_in -= 1;

    if ($this->quality >= 50) {
    if ($this->sell_in < 0) {
        $this->quality = 0;

    $this->quality += 1;
    if ($this->sell_in < 10) {
        $this->quality += 1;
    if ($this->sell_in < 5) {
        $this->quality += 1;


Firstly: The code was a full chaos. Look at the github repository /src/GildedRose.php. I have write some unittest to the original code to save the program. my unittest looks all similar to above. I test the changes of every items as they should be (https://github.com/emilybache/GildedRose-Refactor). After the unittests, i started to change the GildedRose.php to uncode the if-statements..
