php - Undefined array key "docScores"

one text

I'm working with the scout library and the tntsearch driver but when I try to search for a word that is in the website I get the error in the title. The code part where the error is according to Laravel is the one below and the line is the one between **. Do you have any idea on how to solve this? Thanks!

 public function map(Builder $builder, $results, $model)
    if (empty($results['ids'])) {
        return $model->newCollection([]);

    $keys = collect($results['ids'])->values()->all();

    $builder = $this->getBuilder($model);

    if ($this->builder->queryCallback) {
        call_user_func($this->builder->queryCallback, $builder);

    $models = $builder->whereIn(
        $model->getQualifiedKeyName(), $keys

    // sort models by user choice
    if (!empty($this->builder->orders)) {
        return $models->values();

    // sort models by tnt search result set
    return $model->newCollection(collect($results['ids'])->map(function ($hit) use ($models, $results) {
        if (isset($models[$hit])) {
           *return $models[$hit]->setAttribute('__tntSearchScore__', $results['docScores'][$hit]);*

This is the whole page of code:

class TNTSearchEngine extends Engine


private $filters;
 * @var TNTSearch
protected $tnt;

 * @var Builder
protected $builder;

 * Create a new engine instance.
 * @param TNTSearch $tnt
public function __construct(TNTSearch $tnt)
    $this->tnt = $tnt;

public function getTNT()
    return $this->tnt;

 * Update the given model in the index.
 * @param Collection $models
 * @return void
public function update($models)
    $index = $this->tnt->getIndex();

    $models->each(function ($model) use ($index) {
        $array = $model->toSearchableArray();

        if (empty($array)) {

        if ($model->getKey()) {
            $index->update($model->getKey(), $array);
        } else {

 * Remove the given model from the index.
 * @param Collection $models
 * @return void
public function delete($models)
    $models->each(function ($model) {
        $index = $this->tnt->getIndex();

 * Perform the given search on the engine.
 * @param Builder $builder
 * @return mixed
public function search(Builder $builder)
    try {
        return $this->performSearch($builder);
    } catch (IndexNotFoundException $e) {

 * Perform the given search on the engine.
 * @param Builder $builder
 * @param int     $perPage
 * @param int     $page
 * @return mixed
public function paginate(Builder $builder, $perPage, $page)
    $results = $this->performSearch($builder);

    if ($builder->limit) {
        $results['hits'] = $builder->limit;

    $filtered = $this->discardIdsFromResultSetByConstraints($builder, $results['ids']);

    $results['hits'] = $filtered->count();

    $chunks = array_chunk($filtered->toArray(), $perPage);

    if (empty($chunks)) {
        return $results;

    if (array_key_exists($page - 1, $chunks)) {
        $results['ids'] = $chunks[$page - 1];
    } else {
        $results['ids'] = [];

    return $results;

 * Perform the given search on the engine.
 * @param Builder $builder
 * @return mixed
protected function performSearch(Builder $builder, array $options = [])
    $index = $builder->index ?: $builder->model->searchableAs();
    $limit = $builder->limit ?: 10000;

    $this->builder = $builder;

    if (isset($builder->model->asYouType)) {
        $this->tnt->asYouType = $builder->model->asYouType;

    if ($builder->callback) {
        return call_user_func(

    $builder->query = $this->applyFilters('query_expansion', $builder->query, get_class($builder->model));

    if (isset($this->tnt->config['searchBoolean']) ? $this->tnt->config['searchBoolean'] : false) {
        $res = $this->tnt->searchBoolean($builder->query, $limit);
        event(new SearchPerformed($builder, $res, true));
        return $res;

    } else {
        $res = $this->tnt->search($builder->query, $limit);
        event(new SearchPerformed($builder, $res));
        return $res;

 * Map the given results to instances of the given model.
 * @param mixed                               $results
 * @param \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model $model
 * @return Collection
public function map(Builder $builder, $results, $model)
    if (empty($results['ids'])) {
        return $model->newCollection([]);

    $keys = collect($results['ids'])->values()->all();

    $builder = $this->getBuilder($model);

    if ($this->builder->queryCallback) {
        call_user_func($this->builder->queryCallback, $builder);

    $models = $builder->whereIn(
        $model->getQualifiedKeyName(), $keys

    // sort models by user choice
    if (!empty($this->builder->orders)) {
        return $models->values();

    // sort models by tnt search result set
    return $model->newCollection(collect($results['ids'])->map(function ($hit) use ($models, $results) {
        if (isset($models[$hit])) {
            return $models[$hit]->setAttribute('__tntSearchScore__', $results['docScores'][$hit]);

 * Map the given results to instances of the given model via a lazy collection.
 * @param mixed                               $results
 * @param \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model $model
 * @return LazyCollection
public function lazyMap(Builder $builder, $results, $model)
    if (empty($results['ids'])) {
        return LazyCollection::make();

    $keys = collect($results['ids'])->values()->all();

    $builder = $this->getBuilder($model);

    if ($this->builder->queryCallback) {
        call_user_func($this->builder->queryCallback, $builder);

    $models = $builder->whereIn(
        $model->getQualifiedKeyName(), $keys

    // sort models by user choice
    if (!empty($this->builder->orders)) {
        return $models->values();

    // sort models by tnt search result set
    return $model->newCollection($results['ids'])->map(function ($hit) use ($models) {
        if (isset($models[$hit])) {
            return $models[$hit];

 * Return query builder either from given constraints, or as
 * new query. Add where statements to builder when given.
 * @param \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model $model
 * @return Builder
public function getBuilder($model)
    // get query as given constraint or create a new query
    $builder = isset($this->builder->constraints) ? $this->builder->constraints : $model->newQuery();

    $builder = $this->handleSoftDeletes($builder, $model);

    $builder = $this->applyWheres($builder);

    $builder = $this->applyOrders($builder);

    return $builder;

 * Pluck and return the primary keys of the given results.
 * @param mixed $results
 * @return \Illuminate\Support\Collection
public function mapIds($results)
    if (empty($results['ids'])) {
        return collect();

    return collect($results['ids'])->values();

 * Get the total count from a raw result returned by the engine.
 * @param mixed $results
 * @return int
public function getTotalCount($results)
    return $results['hits'];

public function initIndex($model)
    $indexName = $model->searchableAs();

    if (!file_exists($this->tnt->config['storage']."/{$indexName}.index")) {
        $indexer = $this->tnt->createIndex("$indexName.index");

 * The search index results ($results['ids']) need to be compared against our query
 * that contains the constraints.
 * To get the correct results and counts for the pagination, we remove those ids
 * from the search index results that were found by the search but are not part of
 * the query ($sub) that is constrained.
 * This is achieved with self joining the constrained query as subquery and selecting
 * the ids which are not matching to anything (i.e., is null).
 * The constraints usually remove only a small amount of results, which is why the non
 * matching results are looked up and removed, instead of returning a collection with
 * all the valid results.
private function discardIdsFromResultSetByConstraints($builder, $searchResults)
    $qualifiedKeyName    = $builder->model->getQualifiedKeyName(); //
    $subQualifiedKeyName = 'sub.'.$builder->model->getKeyName(); //

    $sub = $this->getBuilder($builder->model)->whereIn(
        $qualifiedKeyName, $searchResults
    ); // sub query for left join

    $discardIds = $builder->model->newQuery()
        ->leftJoin(DB::raw('('.$sub->getQuery()->toSql().') as '.$builder->model->getConnection()->getTablePrefix().'sub'), $subQualifiedKeyName, '=', $qualifiedKeyName)
        ->addBinding($sub->getQuery()->getBindings(), 'join')
        ->whereIn($qualifiedKeyName, $searchResults)

    // returns values of $results['ids'] that are not part of $discardIds
    return collect($searchResults)->diff($discardIds);

 * Determine if the given model uses soft deletes.
 * @param  \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model  $model
 * @return bool
protected function usesSoftDelete($model)
    return in_array(SoftDeletes::class, class_uses_recursive($model));

 * Determine if soft delete is active and depending on state return the
 * appropriate builder.
 * @param  Builder  $builder
 * @param  \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model  $model
 * @return Builder
private function handleSoftDeletes($builder, $model)
    // remove where statement for __soft_deleted when soft delete is not active
    // does not show soft deleted items when trait is attached to model and
    // config('scout.soft_delete') is false
    if (!$this->usesSoftDelete($model) || !config('scout.soft_delete', true)) {
        return $builder;

     * Use standard behaviour of Laravel Scout builder class to support soft deletes.
     * When no __soft_deleted statement is given return all entries
    if (!array_key_exists('__soft_deleted', $this->builder->wheres)) {
        return $builder->withTrashed();

     * When __soft_deleted is 1 then return only soft deleted entries
    if ($this->builder->wheres['__soft_deleted']) {
        $builder = $builder->onlyTrashed();

     * Returns all undeleted entries, default behaviour
    return $builder;

 * Apply where statements as constraints to the query builder.
 * @param Builder $builder
 * @return \Illuminate\Support\Collection
private function applyWheres($builder)
    // iterate over given where clauses
    return collect($this->builder->wheres)->map(function ($value, $key) {
        // for reduce function combine key and value into array
        return [$key, $value];
    })->reduce(function ($builder, $where) {
        // separate key, value again
        list($key, $value) = $where;
        return $builder->where($key, $value);
    }, $builder);

 * Apply order by statements as constraints to the query builder.
 * @param Builder $builder
 * @return \Illuminate\Support\Collection
private function applyOrders($builder)
    //iterate over given orderBy clauses - should be only one
    return collect($this->builder->orders)->map(function ($value, $key) {
        // for reduce function combine key and value into array
        return [$value["column"], $value["direction"]];
    })->reduce(function ($builder, $orderBy) {
        // separate key, value again
        list($column, $direction) = $orderBy;
        return $builder->orderBy($column, $direction);
    }, $builder);

 * Flush all of the model's records from the engine.
 * @param  \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model  $model
 * @return void
public function flush($model)
    $indexName   = $model->searchableAs();
    $pathToIndex = $this->tnt->config['storage']."/{$indexName}.index";
    if (file_exists($pathToIndex)) {

 * Create a search index.
 * @param  string  $name
 * @param  array  $options
 * @return mixed
 * @throws \Exception
public function createIndex($name, array $options = [])
    throw new Exception('TNT indexes are created automatically upon adding objects.');

 * Delete a search index.
 * @param  string  $name
 * @return mixed
public function deleteIndex($name)
    throw new Exception(sprintf('TNT indexes cannot reliably be removed. Please manually remove the file in %s/%s.index', config(''), $name));

 * Adds a filter
 * @param  string
 * @param  callback
 * @return void
public function addFilter($name, $callback)
    if (!is_callable($callback, true)) {
        throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Filter is an invalid callback: %s.', print_r($callback, true)));
    $this->filters[$name][] = $callback;

 * Returns an array of filters
 * @param  string
 * @return array
public function getFilters($name)
    return isset($this->filters[$name]) ? $this->filters[$name] : [];

 * Returns a string on which a filter is applied
 * @param  string
 * @param  string
 * @return string
public function applyFilters($name, $result, $model)
    foreach ($this->getFilters($name) as $callback) {
        // prevent fatal errors, do your own warning or
        // exception here as you need it.
        if (!is_callable($callback)) {

        $result = call_user_func($callback, $result, $model);
    return $result;

