php - Symfony - pass multiple params on Item operation

one text

I am using API Platform and don??�t think filters are used for item operations, but should I still be able to pass parameters to the endpoint and read them in the query handler?

I did not managed to find a way to read what is defined in Postman:

enter image description here

I defined the endpoint in the .xml file:

<itemOperation name="share_as_guest">
            <attribute name="path">/{id}/share-as-guest.{_format}</attribute>
            <attribute name="method">GET</attribute>
            <attribute name="output">App\ContentView</attribute>

Item Query Class:

class GetItemGuestQuery implements QueryInterface
    private int $id;

    public function __construct(int $id)
        $this->id = $id;

    public function id(): int
        return $this->id;

Method in Data Provider:

public function getItem(string $resourceClass, $id, string $operationName = null, array $context = []): ?Content
    return $this->queryBus->handle(
        new GetItemGuestQuery(intval($id))

And method in Handler:

public function __invoke(GetItemGuestQuery $query)
    return $this->port

If filters are not applicable to Item operations, how should I pass parameters to the endpoint and read them in the query handler? I am struggling with finding the solution can someone please help?
