php - Symfony - Optimize form with repetitive EntityType

one text


One way of doing that would be to to create a property $clientChoices where you store once and for all your repo->getAll() result. For that, you have to define your form as a service :

You would then inject the EntityManager to get what you want in the constructor, something like this:


namespace AppBundle\Form;

** Here all my others 'use'

use AppBundle\Entity\Contact;
use AppBundle\Repository\ContactRepository;

class EventForm
    private $clientChoices = [];

    public function __constructor(EntityManagerInterface $entityManager)
        $this->clientChoices = $entityManager->getRepository(Client::class)->getAll();

    public function buildForm(FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options)

        // A lot of ->add(), not revelant for my issue
        ->add('client1', EntityType::class, [
            'class' => Client::class,
            'choices' => $this->clientChoices,
        ->add('client2', EntityType::class, [
            'class' => Client::class,
            'choices' => $this->clientChoices,

        // ->add('client3'), same as above
        // ->add('client4'), same as above
        // ->add('client5'), same as above
        // ->add('client6'), same as above


