php - Symfony 4 - how to disable filter based on other filter in EasyAdmin

one text

Is there any way to disable filters based on selected option in Easy Admin ?

For example, I have a select operation with 3 options : campaign, channel and file, and I want to disable text filter team when file option is selected

Here is my code :

public function configureFilters(Filters $filters): Filters
    $objects = array(
        'campaign' => 'campagnes',
        'channel'=> 'voies',
        'file' => 'fichiers'
    return $filters
        ->add(ChoiceFilter::new('operation', 'objets')->setChoices($objects))
        ->add(TextFilter::new('serviceId', 'service'))
        ->add(TextFilter::new('team', '?�quipe');
