php - Scope and Relation doesn't work together - Laravel


I fixed it by adding a custom scope to Contacts model

public function scopeActiveFollowings($query)
        return $query->join('users', function($join)
                $join->on('users.ID', '=', 'contacts.contact_id')
                    ->where('activated', '=', 1);



Laravel model has a property called query.

This property is used automatically when you call a query for the model these two statements are exactly the same:


When you call query() directly or indirectly, Laravel register the scopes in this line

when you use $this->hasMany('App\Models\Contacts','user_id','ID') the result will be from class HasMany and this class doesn't have a method called active(), this is why you see this error.

to fix it, you have to apply the scope when you use User model query:


if you want the followings count for the activated user using scope, you should apply this scope on Following Model:

public function scopeHasActivedUser($query)
    return $query->whereHas('user', function($query)
                 $query->where('users.activated', 1);

In the controller:


If I were you, I would get the result this way:

$query->where('users.activated', 1)})])->find(1);

now the $user model instance should have a property called 'followings_count' for the only activated followings count
