php - Problem with PHP8 OCI connection using Yii2.0.43

one text

I am trying to connect to oracle db using php8 and yii2.0.43. I have installed "apaoww/yii2-oci8": "dev-master" using composer. Below is my connection in web.php:

'db' => [           
            'class' => 'apaoww\oci8\Oci8DbConnection',          
            'dsn' => 'oci:dbname=(DESCRIPTION=(CONNECT_TIMEOUT=20)(RETRY_COUNT=3)(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST='.hostname.')(PORT='.portname.'))(CONNECT_DATA=(SERVICE_NAME='.servicename.')));charset=AL32UTF8;',
            'username' => username,
            'password' => password,          
            'attributes' => []

Now getting error as below:

Declaration of Oci8PDO::query($query, $fetchType = null, $typeArg = null, array $ctorArgs = []) must be compatible with PDO::query(string $query, ?int $fetchMode = null, mixed ...$fetchModeArgs)

I have also tried with another yii2 plugin sfedosimov but getting same error. This error is specifically coming for PHP8 any help?
