php - Preserve line break in string inside array

I am trying to output this string returned to me via API

enter image description here

but when I print it using this

<?php echo $m["page_features"]; ?>

it is printed like folloing (single line)

Bunkhouse Front Bedroom Kitchen Island Loft Outdoor Kitchen 4 Slide-Outs

But I want it like

  • Bunkhouse
  • Front Bedroom
  • Kitchen Island
  • Loft
  • Outdoor Kitchen
  • 4 Slide-Outs

How can I achieve the result as desired output, please help



Use nl2br for regular line breaks

<?php echo nl2br($m["page_features"]); ?>

for a UL list:

$features = explode("\n",$m["page_features"]);
if (count($features)>0){
  foreach($features as $f) echo"<li>$f</li>";
  echo "</ul>";



Solution is use php explode function and forloop (any loop) to loop for each value ..
It would be really helpful if you provide complete code ! So taking 2 assumtions first the data recived has br tag and second it has too many whitespaces .... If i assume the tag used was
then try this one

    $str = "Bunk house <br> Front Bedroom   <br> kitchen <br> island  <br> loft  <br>      etc";
    $array = array_filter(explode("<br>",$str));
    foreach ($array as $value){
       echo  "<li>".$value."</li><br>";

If I assume that there are too many whitespaces inside the string then code becomes

    $str = "Bunk house  Front Bedroom    kitchen island   loft        etc";
    $array = array_filter(explode("  ",$str));
    foreach ($array as $value){
       echo  "<li>".$value."</li><br>";
