PocketMine (PHP) Command Context possible?

one text


There is a very handy library/virion that handles all this for you. Take a look at https://github.com/CortexPE/Commando and if you need any examples you can look at https://github.com/CortexPE/Hierarchy. With this library you can add custom argument types.


namespace mohamed205\example\argument;

use CortexPE\Commando\args\StringEnumArgument;
use pocketmine\command\CommandSender;

class ExampleArgument extends StringEnumArgument
    protected const VALUES = [
        // put valid values for your argument here

    public function parse(string $argument, CommandSender $sender)
        return $this->getValue($argument);

    public function getTypeName(): string
        return "exampleArgument";
