php mongodb validate form password

This is my first time using mongodb with php and I have a register and a login form . When a user registers I succesfully hash his password using password_hash() php function and insert it in a mongodb collection . However when I login and insert a password I want to check if inserted password corresponds to a hashed password in the collection using password_verify()

I cannot find the correct syntax to iterate through the collection and check if a hashed password matches with the given password when I login .

My code :


require '../vendor/autoload.php';

$m = new MongoDB\Client("mongodb://");
$db = $m ->ECommerce;

$collection = $db->users;


  $uname = $_POST['uname'];
  $pwd = $_POST['pwd'];

  //which  is the second argument here ? I want to add the database password as argument 
  $cursor = $collection->find(array('password'=> password_verify($pwd ,...) ));

  foreach ($cursor as $doc){
      echo $doc["firstName"];





If you like to use the password_verify() function then I guess you have to run it like this:

$cursor = $collection->find(array('username' => $uname ));
foreach ($cursor as $doc){
   if ( password_verify($pwd, $doc["password"]) ) {
     echo $doc["firstName"];

Or with a single query:

$cursor = $collection->find(array('username' => $uname, 'password' => password_hash($pwd) ));
