php 7 - PHP Invalid output of get_class_vars() after enabling ( extension

one text

I have this simple code that demonstrates updating a static value:


class myClass
    // empty static var
    public static $prop1;


myClass::$prop1 = array("Hey, I'm setting your value now");

$allVars = get_class_vars( myClass::class ) ;
var_dump ( $allVars );

So I'm expecting both dumps to show the new value. While it works perfectly when (opcache) not enabled. But then it gives a bizarre output when (opcache) is enabled..

Is there any config responsible about this behavior ?

PHP 7.4.14

1-PHP 7.4.14 without (OK)

array (size=1) 0 => string 'Hey, I'm setting your value now' (length=31)

array (size=1) 'prop1'

array (size=1)
  0 => string 'Hey, I'm setting your value now' (length=31)

2-PHP 7.4.14 with enabled (Not ok, odd)

array(1) { [0]=> string(31) "Hey, I'm setting your value now" }
array(1) { ["prop1"]=> NULL }

What do you think ?
