printing - php - How to filter out values and print them in another array

How can I filter out my values out of an array and print them later? The filtering can be done with:

$array = explode("<br>", $list);
foreach( $array as $key => $value){
    if (
        strpos(strtolower($value),'item to be filtered') !== FALSE ||
        strpos(strtolower($value),'another item to be filtered') !== FALSE
    ) {
$newcontent = "<pre>".implode("\n",$array)."</pre>";

but how can I print the filtered data else where?



As @u_mulder said, you should store the result in another array.

You can also use , and avoid the unset() call.

$list = "item to BE filtered<br>test<br>test<br>text another item to BE filtered";

$array = explode("<br>", $list);
$other = array_filter($array, function($value) {
    return stripos($value,'item to be filtered') === FALSE &&
        stripos($value,'another item to be filtered') === FALSE;

$newcontent = "<pre>".implode("\n", $other)."</pre>";
