php - Performing update slots for timeslots table using mysql database

one text

I am doing a booking cancellation function. I have successfully removed the data in reservation table as shown in the code below. However, I would like to update the status for the timeslots. For the timeslots table, 1 = not available for booking anymore, 0 = available for booking. While the user logs in into the account, they can view the appointment and perform booking cancellation, which is where I am stuck with on updating the timeslots to make it available for booking again.

For the reservations table, its status means visited or not visited, which is not related to this question. However, the reservation table is the table which shows the information to the users to view their appointment history, and here is where the cancellation feature will be provided, using a button.

The problem is that I do not know how to connect between the reservation table and the timeslot table. I need the timeslot table to show the updated status is 0 after cancellation happens for a particular day instead of continue showing 1. Below I will attach the database in SQL and the codes implemented.

Timeslots database: timeslots table

Reservations database: reservations table

Below is the sample code of making an appointment, which has been implemented successfully.

    public function store(Request $request){

        $check = $this->checkBookingTimeInterval();


            'time'=> $request->time,
            'date'=> $request->date,

        Timeslot::where('appointment_id', $request->appointmentId)
            ->where('time', $request->time)

I want add cancel booking, however, I do not know how to update the timeslots status to become zero from timeslots database (0 means the timeslots is available for booking again). The reservation database has been deleted when I want to perform cancel booking, just as what I want.

  public function destroy($id,Request $request){
      //delete reservation in records
      $reservation = Reservation::find($id);
      $reservationDelete = $reservation->delete();      

      //how to update the timeslots status to become 0 from timeslots database?
      return redirect()->route('my.appointment')->with('message', 'Appointment has been cancelled successfully');

