php - Many To Many associations with additional fields in Shopware 6

My database model looks like this:

One user can manage multiple companies (USER n:n COMPANY), let's say they are connected in the intermediate table USER_COMPANY and this table has one additional field 'active'.

I have created EntityDefinitions for both tables plus the MappingDefinition for the intermediate table:


class CompanyDefinition extends EntityDefinition

    protected function defineFields(): FieldCollection
        return new FieldCollection([
            (new IdField('id', 'id'))->addFlags(new PrimaryKey(), new Required()),


            new ManyToManyAssociationField(


class UserDefinition extends EntityDefinition

    protected function defineFields(): FieldCollection
        return new FieldCollection([
            (new IdField('id', 'id'))->addFlags(new PrimaryKey(), new Required()),

            new ManyToManyAssociationField(



class CompanyUserDefinition extends EntityDefinition


    protected function defineFields(): FieldCollection
        return new FieldCollection([
            (new FkField('company_id', 'companyId', CompanyDefinition::class))->addFlags(new PrimaryKey(), new Required()),
            (new FkField('user_id', 'userId', UserDefinition::class))->addFlags(new PrimaryKey(), new Required()),
            (new BoolField('active', 'active'))->addFlags(new Required()),

            new ManyToOneAssociationField('user', 'user_id', UserDefinition::class, 'id'),
            new ManyToOneAssociationField('company', 'company_id', CompanyDefinition::class, 'id'),


Now I would like to do the filtering using the CompanyRepository. I would like to retrieve just companies that are connected to the logged user (I know their ID) while the connection needs to be active. Is there any way on how to do this? This doesn't work:

$criteria = new Criteria();
$criteria->addFilter(new EqualsFilter('', 1));

$companies = $this->companyRepository->search($criteria, $context);

It shows this error:

"class": "Shopware\\Core\\Framework\\DataAbstractionLayer\\Dbal\\Exception\\UnmappedFieldException",
"message": "Field \"active\" in entity \"user\" was not found.",



From what you have posted, your CompanyUserDefinition has an "active" field, but your "UserDefinition" might not.
