php - laravel redirect to page based on id from database is selected

one text

I'm new to laravel And want help on how to do this! goal: when I click on the city name from the select option it will route me to a page that has all villas in that city.

So I have the website controller as follows:

class WebsiteController extends Controller
    public function index(){
        $users = Villa::with('City','Seller', 'Payment')->get();
      return view('website', compact('users'));

the website blade:

 <select class="form-select">
                      <option value=""  id="searchoption"> City </option>
                      @foreach($users as $villa )
                          <option id="searchoption" value="{{ $villa->City->id }}" >
                            {{ $villa->City->name }}

This code probably doesn't give me all cities' names based on id! here villa model:

class Villa extends Model
    use HasFactory;
    protected $fillable=[
        "id", "title", "description", "price", "state", "status", "city_id", "seller_id", "payment_id", "created_at", "updated_at"
    public function City()
        return $this -> hasOne(City::class,'id','city_id');
    public function Seller()
        return $this -> hasOne(Seller::class,'id','seller_id');
    public function Payment()
        return $this -> hasOne(Payment::class,'id','payment_id');

and here's the route :


I want a way when I click on the city select option to show me all cities' names based on id from the database cities table and when I select one to route me on a page that shows all villas in that city.
