php - Laravel - code optimization for selecting column differences within 7 days

one text

I have this code. Finally, the player is returned with the levelDifference attribute for every day 7 days back. Could this be optimized to one sql query instead of looping and doing 7 queries?

Also, I would like to know if you can omit withMin and withMax and just get the difference between the smallest and the largest lvl on a given day?

$days = collect();

        foreach (range(1, 7) as $dayNumber) {
            $data = $game->players()
                    ['statistics' => fn ($query) => $query->whereDate('created_at', '=', now()->subDays($dayNumber))],
                    ['statistics' => fn ($query) => $query->whereDate('created_at', '=', now()->subDays($dayNumber))],

            $filtered = $data->filter(function ($item) {
                return $item->statistics_min_level && $item->statistics_max_level;

            $dayStats= $filtered->values()->map(function ($item) {
                $item->levelDifference = $item->statistics_max_level - $item->statistics_min_level;

                return $item;


        return $days;

Table schema

Schema::create('player_statistics', function (Blueprint $table) {

            $table->index(['player_id', 'created_at']);

Sample expected response

     statistics: [
       1: { // 1 a day back
         "minLevel": 5,
         "maxLevel": 10
         "levelDifference": 5,
       2: { // 2 is 2 days back
         "minLevel": 10,
         "maxLevel": 20
         "levelDifference": 10,
     statistics: [
       1: {
         "minLevel": 5,
         "maxLevel": 10
         "levelDifference": 5,
       2: {
         "minLevel": 10,
         "maxLevel": 20
         "levelDifference": 10,
