php - Laravel 8: How to get value increment in multiple columns with a single where statement?

I have a table called Post where there are three separate columns to count post_like, post_dislike, post_react. Whenever user presses the like or dislike button value in the respective column and also value in post-react column will increment by one. I use where statement to increment the value of like/dislike.

Post::where('id', $id)->increment('post_like'); 

I want to combine the operation of post_react column in the same statement.

Post::where('id', $id)->increment('post_like', ['post_react' => DB::raw( 'post_react + 1' ),]);

The statement fails to execute all together.

**Error on log**
[2020-12-17 07:54:07] local.ERROR: Class 'App\Http\Controllers\DB' not found {"exception":"[object] (Error(code: 0): Class 'App\\Http\\Controllers\\DB' not found at C:\\xampp\\htdocs\\laravelblog\\app\\Http\\Controllers\\PostsController.php:143)


Post::where('id', $id)->increment('post_like', ['post_react' => \DB::raw( 'post_react + 1' ),]);


Post::where('id', $id)->increment('post_like')->increment('post_react');

doesn't work either.



From the error message, it seems you forgot to add the DB facade

use Illuminate\Support\Facades\DB;
