php - Kirki repeater is not accepting output

one text

I am using Kirki Framework and run into an issue.

Using the repeater field, I add multiple fields to it and try to use the output param to change color of certain elements, but nothing happens, I looked at the code, and it seems the repeater doesn't use output.

This is code I use in the fiels param of the repeater:

'header_left_font_size' => [
    'type'        => 'text',
    'label'       => esc_html__( 'Font size', 'kirki' ),
    'section'     => 'header_left_section',
    'default'     => esc_html__( '14px', 'kirki' ),
    'transport'   => 'auto',
    'output'      => [
            'element'   => '.mini-text-icon',
            'property'  => 'font-size',

Does anyone has the same issue and was it solved?
