Issues configuring CacheTool & PHP-FPM

one text


Define --fcgi-chroot and/or --tmp-dir options to make it work.

From [Readme][1]:


[RuntimeException] Error: Unable to open primary script: /dev/shm/cachetool-584743c678dbb.php (No such file or directory) Status: 404 Not Found Content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8 No input file specified.

This means that cachetool could not write to /dev/shm provide a directory that cachetool can write to through php cachetool.phar --tmp-dir=/writable/dir or configuration.


  • To connect to a chrooted fastcgi server you need to set --fcgi-chroot and --tmp-dir parameters
 php cachetool.phar opcache:status --fcgi=/var/run/php5-fpm.sock --fcgi-chroot=/path/to/chroot --tmp-dir=/path/to/chroot/tmp
