php - Is there a way to use GMP libraries in node.js to credentials with SRP6


I found the answer to my question a while ago. This can be done in Node.js using the Buffer and the following libs bigint-buffer, big-integer as I did it below.

const bigintBuffer = require(`bigint-buffer`)
const BigInteger = require(`big-integer`)
const crypto = require(`crypto`)

 * @param {Buffer} salt
 * @param {string} identity
 * @param {string} password
 * @return {Buffer}
function computeVerifier (salt, identity, password) {
    const hashIP = crypto.createHash(`sha1`)
        .update(identity + `:` + password)
    const hashX = crypto.createHash(`sha1`)
    const x = bigintBuffer.toBigIntLE(hashX)
    const g = BigInt(`0x7`)
    const N = BigInt(`0x894B645E89E1535BBDAD5B8B290650530801B18EBFBF5E8FAB3C82872A3E9BB7`)
    const verifier = BigInteger(g).modPow(x, N)
    const lEVerifier = verifier.value.toString(16).match(/.{2}/g).reverse().join(``)
    return Buffer.from(lEVerifier, `hex`)

// Test
crypto.randomBytes(32, (err, buf) => {
    if (err) throw err;
    computeVerifier(buf, `foo`, `bar`);

If you want to use directly a library I created one which works for TrinityCore and AzerothCore:



import crypto from "crypto";
import { toBigIntLE, toBufferLE } from "bigint-buffer";
import sha1 from "sha1";
import { modPow } from 'bigint-crypto-utils';
// 常量
const _g: bigint = BigInt(7);
const _N: bigint = BigInt('0x894B645E89E1535BBDAD5B8B290650530801B18EBFBF5E8FAB3C82872A3E9BB7');
 * 计算SRP6验证器
 * @param username string 用户名
 * @param password string 密码
 * @param salt Buffer 盐
 * @returns Buffer 验证器
function calculateSRP6Verifier(username: string, password: string, salt: Buffer): Buffer {

  const h1: Buffer = Buffer.from(sha1((username + ':' + password).toUpperCase()), 'hex') ;

  const h2: bigint = toBigIntLE(Buffer.from(sha1(Buffer.concat([salt, h1])), 'hex'))

  let verifier: Buffer = toBufferLE(modPow(_g, h2, _N), 32)

  verifier = Buffer.concat([verifier, Buffer.alloc(32 - verifier.length, '\0')]);

  return verifier;

 * 获取注册数据
 * @param username string 用户名
 * @param password string 密码
 * @returns [Buffer, Buffer] 注册数据
function getRegistrationData(username:string, password:string): [Buffer, Buffer] {

  const salt: Buffer = crypto.randomBytes(32);

  const verifier: Buffer = calculateSRP6Verifier(username, password, salt);

  return [salt, verifier];

 * 验证SRP6
 * @param user string 用户名
 * @param pass string 密码
 * @param salt Buffer 盐
 * @param verifier Buffer 验证器
 * @returns boolean 是否验证成功
function verifySRP6(user: string, pass: string, salt: Buffer, verifier: Buffer): boolean {

  const paddedVerifier: Buffer = calculateSRP6Verifier(user, pass, salt)

  return verifier.equals(paddedVerifier);
