javascript - infinite scroll not working (over and over)

one text

help me to find problem, I'm try 2 days to solve this issue but no luck

Infinite Scroll issues

scrolling over and over

please check this link to know about the issue

<script async type="text/javascript"> 
$(document).ready(function() {
  $(window).scroll(function(e) {

function infScoll(e) {
  (typeof(infScollTimeout) !== undefined) ? clearTimeout(infScollTimeout) : '';  

  infScollTimeout = setTimeout(function() {
    var scroll = $(window).scrollTop();
    var threshold = $('<?php echo $content_block; ?>').position().top + $('<?php echo $content_block; ?>').innerHeight() - 100;
    var position = $(window).scrollTop() + $(window).innerHeight();

    if($('<?php echo $pagination_next; ?>').length) {
      pagUrl = $('<?php echo $pagination_next; ?>').attr('href');
    } else {
      pagUrl = '';  

    // loading block add above pagination now
    if(!$('<?php echo $content_block; ?>').find('.inf-loader').length) {
      $(loadingBlock).insertBefore($('<?php echo $pagination_block; ?>'));

    if(!$('<?php echo $content_block; ?>').length || !$('<?php echo $listings_parent_block; ?>').length || !$('<?php echo $pagination_block; ?>').length || !$('<?php echo $pagination_next; ?>').length) {
    } else if(position > threshold && isLoading == false && pagUrl != oldUrl && pagUrl != '' && pagUrl != '#') {

      isLoading = true;
      $('<?php echo $content_block; ?>').addClass('loading');

        url: pagUrl,
        type: "GET",
        success: function(response){
          var length = response.length;
          var data = $(response).contents().find('<?php echo $listings_parent_block ; ?>').last().html();
          var pagBlock = $(response).contents().find('<?php echo $pagination_block; ?>');
          var currItemCount = $(response).contents().find('<?php echo $loaded_listings_count; ?>').text();

          oldUrl = pagUrl;

          $('<?php echo $pagination_block; ?>').html(pagBlock);
          $('<?php echo $listings_parent_block; ?>').last().append(data);

          if($('<?php echo $loaded_listings_count; ?>').length) {
            $('<?php echo $loaded_listings_count; ?>').text(currItemCount);

          // lazy load if exists
          if(typeof $.fn.Lazy !== 'undefined') { 
            $('<?php echo $listings_parent_block; ?>').last().find('img.lazy').Lazy({
              appendScroll: window,
              scrollDirection: 'both',
              effect: 'fadeIn',
              effectTime: 300,
              afterLoad: function(element) {
                setTimeout(function() {
                  element.css('transition', '0.2s');
                }, 300);

          isLoading = false;
          currentPag = currentPag + 1;
          $('<?php echo $content_block; ?>').removeClass('loading');
        error: function(response){
          hasPag = false;
          $('<?php echo $content_block; ?>').removeClass('loading');

          response = response.responseText;

  }, 500);

No Console error

osclass based site

Any idea solve this issue? help me to find problem, I'm try 2 days to solve this issue but no luck

help me to find problem, I'm try 2 days to solve this issue but no luck
