Image display in the Browser issue using php

one text


By returning an <img> tag, you are basically echo'ing an <img> tag into an <img> tag's src attribute which effectively looks like this:

<img src="<img src="data:image/jpeg;base64">">

In your showImage script, there's no reason to base64 encode anything, that's only need when you are using a text-based transport like HTML. Since you are transporting over HTTP which supports binary, you can instead just send the file. There's a couple of ways, but the easiest is:

echo file_get_contents($image);

Another option that is a little more performant for larger files is:


If you want to get a little fancier, you can also output the MIME for the file:

header('Content-Type: ' . mime_content_type($image));


I should also point out that passing filenames as parameters without sanitization and validation is a big security problem that can lead to path traversal problems. At a minimum, I'd call basename() on the supplied parameter, but you should probably look into your specific setup to see what could or couldn't go wrong.
