How to write Behat test/feature in PHP?

one text

Behat tests are usually written in Gherkin language but these are text files without any refactoring possible.


instead of writing feature file like:

Feature: ScopeBuilder
  Scenario: test ScopeBuilder rendering of model scope
    Given I am on "_unit-test/scope-builder.php"
    Then rule "atk_fp_stat__a3b68d0c" operator is ">=" and value is "1000"
    Then rule "atk_fp_stat__ff68957f" operator is "matches regular expression" and value is "[a-zA-Z]"

the answer should accept files like:

$countField = Field::getDbName('stat.count'); // atk_fp_stat__a3b68d0c
$nameField = Field::getDbName(''); // atk_fp_stat__ff68957f

return new Feature(
    new Scenario(
        'test ScopeBuilder rendering of model scope',
        new Step('Given I am on "_unit-test/scope-builder.php"'),
        new Step('Then rule "' . $countField . '" operator is ">=" and value is "1000"'),
        new Step('Then rule "' . $nameField . '" operator is "matches regular expression" and value is "[a-zA-Z]"')

The question is, how to convince Behat to scan for php files in specific directory and add testing scenarios defined in php files like in the example.
