arrays - how to use php to check if a variable contains a group of characters

i have a variable and i want to use php to check if it contains a group of characters i would like the code to be like this

$groupofcharacters = ["$","#","*","("];
if($variable contains any of the letters in $groupofcharacters){
//do something}

i know that this will need the use of strpos() function but how can i use the strpos function to check if a variable contains a group of characters without me having to create a strpos() function for all the characters that i want to check for.

please if you don't understand you can tell me in the comments



Best way to solve your issue is by using RegEx. Try this:

$variable = 'Any string containing $*(#';
$sPattern = '/[$#*(]/';

if (preg_match($sPattern, $variable)) {
    // Do something



You can use to achieve this. The doc says:

strpbrk ??� Search a string for any of a set of characters

Returns a string starting from the character found, or FALSE if it is not found.



if(strpbrk($variable,"$#*(") !== false){
   // your logic goes here



check if it has any char. Using strpos First you need to combine the array as string after check ot if there's one of them in the

$groupofcharacters = ["$","#","*","("];
$strs = implode("", $groupofcharacters);

foreach(str_split($variable) as $s) {
   if (strpos($s, $strs)) {
      echo "it contains "; continue;
