php - how to get unique (distinct) values from many to many relationship in laravel blade?

I have 3 model : User , Ticket , Tag . relationships are like :

ticket model

public function Users()

    return $this->belongsTo('App\User');

public function Tags()

    return $this->belongsToMany('App\Tag');

user model:

 public function Tickets()

    return $this->hasMany('App\Ticket');

tag model

 public function Tickets()
    return $this->belongsToMany('App\Ticket');

I want to get all tags of tickets of a specific user. in distinct way (with no repetition) in controller I have this code :

public function usersTags()

    $tickets = Auth::user()->Tickets()->get();
     return view('test' , compact('tickets'));


and in my blade I have these :

 @foreach ($tickets as $ticket)
            @foreach ($ticket->tags as $tag)


these codes give me all tags but with repetition of tags . can anybody help me plz ?



use unique method

@foreach ($tickets->map(function($t){return $t->tags;})->unique('id') as $tag)
    <li> {{$tag->title}} </li>



You can group tickets by name or id by like this

public function usersTags()
 $tickets = Auth::user()->with(['Tickets'=> function($query) {
    $query->groupBy('name'); //or whatever column you want to group 

 return view('test' , compact('tickets'));
