How to create an event in a "Group Calendar" using MS Graph API (PHP plugin)

How to create an event in a "Group Calendar" using the MS Graph APIs? This is only possible using delegated permission from a Work or School Account. Would you please share the code to achieve that (using the PHP - new Graph())? Is it possible to do it completely silently, or login or consent pop-ups are involved?

HideAndSeek says he did it in the post: Microsoft Graph API: Group Calendar Events created by API are not sent to users Calendar but he does not share the code or explained how he did it.




To use APIs that only support delegated permissions, authentication + user consent is required. Below is a code sample assuming the access token variable is acquired with delegated permissions. I am using MS Graph PHP SDK

$accessToken = 'eyJ0...';

$graph = new Graph();

$attendees = [];
array_push($attendees, [
        'emailAddress' => [
        'address' => '',
        'name' => 'Name'
        'type' => 'required'
$newEvent = [
  'subject' => 'Sample Event Subject',
  'attendees' => $attendees,
  'start' => [
    'dateTime' => '2021-05-12T22:00:00',
    'timeZone' => 'Pacific Standard Time'
  'end' => [
    'dateTime' => '2021-05-12T23:00:00',
    'timeZone' => 'Pacific Standard Time'
  'body' => [
    "contentType" => "HTML",
    "content" => "Chat about new hire"

$response = $graph->createRequest('POST', '/groups/group-id/calendar/events')

echo "Created event - {$response->getSubject()}.";

Here is a complete example that will help you get started. The Guide is here
