php - Highlight WooCommerce Orders list based on payment method

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Related to Highlight WooCommerce admin orders list based on order payment method and @7uc1f3r code in his answer...

Tried that and it works perfectly, apart from one particular payment gateway I have on a site.

The payment method that is displayed in Woocommerce orders is "Pay with card" but that is the chosen title in the gateway settings and is set by the site admin. In the database postmeta table it is listed as:

_payment_method = totalprocessing

_payment_method_title = Credit/Debit Card

So, I assumed the correct code would be:

.type-shop_order.totalprocessing {
            background-color: #ffebb8 !important;
        .type-shop_order.worldpay {
            background-color: #cafcdd !important;

But... the styling works for WorlPay orders, but not for totalprocessing?

I've also tried "Pay with card", "Pay-with-card", "Pay_with_card" etc... none seem to work.

Have I done something wrong, or have I mistaken what the payment method should actually be called?
