laravel - Getting 500 error while running cURL Request with POST Data Using HTTP Controller.php

This is my FlightController.php file

public function data(){

        // URL
        $apiURL = '';

        // POST Data
        $postInput = [
            "TYPE"=> "AIR",
                "NAME"=> "GET_FLIGHT",
                "STR"=> [
                "AUTH_TOKEN"=> "***********************",
                "SESSION_ID"=> "",
                "TRIP"=> "1",
                "SECTOR"=> "D",
                "SRC"=> "DEL",
                "DES"=> "BOM",
                "DEP_DATE"=> "2022-12-10",
                "RET_DATE"=> "",
                "ADT"=> "1",
                "CHD"=> "0",
                "INF"=> "0",
                "PC"=> "",
                "PF"=> "",
                "HS"=> "D",

        // Headers
        $headers = [

        $response = Http::withHeaders($headers)->post($apiURL, $postInput);

        $statusCode = $response->status();
        $responseBody = json_decode($response->getBody(), true);

        dd($responseBody); // body response

Route File:

Route::post('/flightdata', [FlightController::class,'data']);

Error: 500 Internal Server Error



Your code works for me, so it must be some small error, like maybe you didn't use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Http; in your controller.

Make sure to set APP_DEBUG=true in your .env file and clear your config cache with php artisan config:clear then you should be able to see the error message.
