laravel - Does PHP supports RSA-OAEP-256 algorithm without any third party extensions?

one text

Sorry I am posting this as I am not able to find any relevant information on google or maybe I am not looking for exact problem.

Actually I am building one bank connection apis in my laravel project and they have given me this information

Encryption Mechanism : JWE
Key Encryption Algorithm : RSA-OAEP-256
Content Encryption Method : A256GCM
Signing Algorithm : RS256

Now the problem is I have no idea in this encryption I tried some googling but found no useful information or may be due to lack of knowledge in this part I am not able to find it correctly.

I have also tried

  $fp = fopen(public_path('publickey.crt'), "r");
        $pub_key_string = fread($fp, 8192);

        dd(openssl_public_encrypt(json_encode($request), $init, $pub_key_string, OPENSSL_NO_PADDING));

but this also returns me false

So if anybody can just suggest me or guide me where to look for this encryption it would be very helpful. Thank you.
