php - Doctrine - ManyToMany Join on a LeftJoin alias

one text

I am confused.

I have 4 tables as follows:

Grocery and GroceryTranslation have a OneToMany
Grocery and Tag have a ManyToMany.
Grocery and UserGrocery have a OneToMany

Now a User may ask "Hey what are my Groceries?"
So to find the answer I select from UserGrocery, join with Grocery (to get info about the actual groceries), then join Grocery with GroceryTranslation to get the display-names of the Groceries, and then join Grocery with Tag to get the corresponding tags.

I tried to say that exact same sentence in Doctrine with this:

        # create the queryBuilder from UserGrocery-Repo
        $qb = $em->getRepository(UserGrocery::class)->createQueryBuilder('ug');

        $result = $qb
            ->leftJoin('', 'g') # Join on Grocery
            ->leftJoin('g.translation', 'gt') # Join on GroceryTranslation
            ->innerJoin('g.tags', 't') # Join on Tags with Grocery-Alias !!Fails!!
                $qb->expr()->eq('ug.owner', $user->getId()),

This Query results in a Semantical Error:
Error: Class App\Entity\Grocery has no field or association named "tags"

Which kind of makes sense - but not to me?

The Grocery-Entity has the properties translation, populated with GroceryTranslation-Items, and tags populated with Tag-Items - both are properties of type Collection.

#[ORM\OneToMany(mappedBy: 'grocery', targetEntity: GroceryTranslation::class, orphanRemoval: true)]
private Collection $translation;

#[ORM\ManyToMany(targetEntity: Tag::class, mappedBy: 'grocery')]
private Collection $tags;

If I remove the ->innerJoin() statement everything works, but obviously no Tags exist in the result.

Please help me?
