php - Convert date format in mysql 8 [ string d/m/y TO date ]

one text

I'm inserting csv file through php into database what I did is I've created two tables first table contain the whole csv file the second table contain the filtered csv file

where the first table contain 84 columns and the second table contain 9 columns

I have in the csv file dates in the format d/m/y example : 24/06/20

so in the first table I insert everything as string then I created a mysql request to insert from table one to table two and I change the format d/m/y string TO date

I used different function to convert string into date but all of them reads the date from right to left so I end up with a result such as

table one 24/06/20 insert into table two convert into date result 20-06-2024

after searching for different solution I ended up using REGEXP_REPLACE() to reverse the order of the string from LTR -> to -> RTL then I convert it using STR_TO_DATE()

"INSERT INTO tableTwo (date) select 
        STR_TO_DATE(REGEXP_REPLACE(date,'^([0-9]+)/([0-9]+)/([0-9]+)$','\\\\3-\\\\2-\\\\1') , '%Y-%m-%d') AS mydate FROM tableOne" 

This solution worked but I had to use MariaDB.

how to get the same result using Mysql 8. Thanks in advance
