php - array_diff() removing partial values

I am developing a hashtag search system on Instagram. And I get a list of users with their posts in the following form:

username1-idposts123455665435, username2-idposts45634563456, username3-idposts276544234....

I set up an array to be able to work with the display on my page, with the code, where $getRelatorio are the users above.

$base_array_split = preg_split("/,\s/", $getRelatorio);
    $base_array_filtro = array_filter($base_array_split);

    foreach($base_array_filtro as $explode_usuarios_array)
        $explode_usuarios = explode("-", $explode_usuarios_array);
        $array1[] = array(
            $explode_usuarios[0], //get username
            $explode_usuarios[1] // ger post id

Everything works fine. But I want to implement a Black List system, to block the display of users that the customer does not want to see.

I store it in the database in the same way, separated by a comm and to work, I also assemble an array.

$base_array_lista = preg_split("/,\s/", $listanegra);
    $base_array_filtro_lista = array_filter($base_array_lista);

    foreach($base_array_filtro_lista as $explode_lista_negra)
        $is_array[] = array(
            $explode_lista_negra //get username

$array2 = isset($is_array) && is_array($is_array) ? $is_array : []; //if empty

Now, I am using the following to exclude the users that the customer has blacklisted:

$arrayfinal = array();

foreach($array1 as $arr)
    $arrayfinal[] = array_diff($arr, array_column($array2, 0));

$array = array_filter($arrayfinal);

The difference between the two arrays is that one has the post id.

The result: I am able to remove the username, but the post ID is still displayed in the array.

If i remove array_column($array2, 0) it doesn't work. If i use array_diff_assoc it doesn't work either


[0] => Array
            [0] => username1
            [1] => 2577195852001190087

    [1] => Array
            [0] => username2
            [1] => 2577195809822230254

    [2] => Array
            [0] => 2577195306530472731 //username removed, bud post id is not - need to remove that too

var_dump expected:

[0] => Array
            [0] => username1
            [1] => 2577195852001190087

    [1] => Array
            [0] => username2
            [1] => 2577195809822230254



You can index on username or postid and do it like this (indexed on postid):

foreach(explode(', ', $string) as $values) {
    $parts = explode('-idposts', $values);
    $result[$parts[1]] = $parts[0];
$blacklist = ['username3'];
$result = array_diff($result, $blacklist);

Or using the format you have:

foreach(explode(', ', $string) as $values) {
    $parts = explode('-idposts', $values);
    $result[$parts[0]] = $parts;
$blacklist = ['username3'];
$result = array_diff_key($result, array_flip($blacklist));



Here's another way.. flatten the arrays using json_encode, comparing then reinflating. View a demo here:


$array1 = array(
    array("username1", "2577195852001190087"),
    array("username2", "1577195852001190087"),
    array("username3", "3577195852001190087")
$array2 = array(
    array("username2", "1577195852001190087"),
    array("username3", "3577195852001190087")

$a=array_map(function($v) { return json_encode($v); }, $array1);
$b=array_map(function($v) { return json_encode($v); }, $array2);
$arrayfinal = array_map(function($v) { return json_decode($v); }, array_diff($a, $b) );

$array = array_filter($arrayfinal);
