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What is web programming for?

Before describing all the benefits of web programming and what it is used for, you must first understand what it is.

Simply put, web programming is the creation of sites and programs that operate on the Internet. Before describing all the benefits of web programming and what it is used for, you must first understand what it is. Simply put, web programming is the creation of sites and programs that operate on the Internet. All the sites you deal with on a daily basis are created with web programming technology. However, the main difference between them is the set of features and capabilities offered to the target audience by a site. Today, business pages with just beautiful text and a bright picture will not attract the attention of the customer as it will do sites based on interactive components. That is, components that help "connect" with potential users and interact with them. This is where web developers come to the rescue, designing a live and feature-rich website and equipping it with effective interactive tools for feedback, subscriptions, mailing, and more.

Components of web development

Web programming is performed using special computer programs - scripts, which in turn are divided into server and client. Server scripts run on a Web server, while client scripts run on a browser (that is, the computer on which the site files are hosted). Client scripts are used to verify the accuracy of information provided by users and process it without the help of a server, which significantly reduces the load on the server. These scripts are built into the html code of the page and only a browser that supports client scripts is required for them to work. Client languages ​​include programming languages ​​such as JavaScript, Java and VBScript.

JavaScript deserves special attention among these languages. It is the most popular client programming language supported by all modern web browsers. With the help of JavaScript, the site's pages "come to life" and acquire new interactive features. Usually, this language helps to implement such effects as tooltips, animation display, cursor response, the appearance of windows on the site pages. Also, JavaScript scripts are widely used to validate information entered by the user.

Unlike client scripts, server technology runs on a web server. The principle of this technology is as follows: when the user goes to the site page by clicking on a link or entering it in the address bar of the browser, the server first launches the selected program and only then the visitor can see the processed page as an HTML document. Server scripts are an excellent tool for processing information on forms, filling WEB with databases, creating dynamic pages, provides easy work with folders and files. No online store can do without the help of server-side scripts. After all, thanks to them, the user will be able to calculate the total purchase price, change the data in your shopping cart, specify the time and date of the order and much more. Known server-side programming languages ​​include SQL, Perl, JAVA, Python, MySQL and PHP. However, the most popular server-side programming language is PHP. It is with the help of PHP that such software components as surveys, guest books, product sales and others are implemented.

So what are the benefits of quality web programming?

The purpose of creating each website is to interest the user in a particular topic. It is very important that the pages of the site contain not only meaningful text, but also surprise with their dynamism, adaptive design, interactivity and ease of use. High-quality web development allows you to expand the boundaries of the site, allows you to enrich and diversify the site, adding to its structure the above-mentioned interactive elements, namely voting, forums, commercials, games, chats and more. Thus, web programming technologies help to interact with users and build trusting relationships with them. After all, it has been proven that customers' trust in the product increases significantly if the site has high-quality photos of products, comments from other users, you can quickly contact a consultant (thanks to the online chat) or write directly to the company. Creating these and other elements on the site is impossible without the introduction of web programming technologies. Therefore, if you want to develop not just a website, but an attractive multifunctional resource with great opportunities, you can't do without effective web development.